Kittitas County Homeless and Affordable Housing Committee June 10, 2016 Meeting
Through a formal motion and amendment process, the HAHC voted to forward the following statement to the BOCC:
Kittitas County Homeless and Affordable Housing Committee June 10, 2016 Meeting
Through a formal motion and amendment process, the HAHC voted to forward the following statement to the BOCC:
Supports the ongoing efforts of the BOCC to effectively resolve the impacts on local residents
associated with the County’s pending purchase of the Shady Brook Mobile Home Park.
Recommends that the BOCC give strong consideration to seeking an alternative purchaser for the
Shady Brook Mobile Home Park property with the intent of maintaining affordable housing.
Recognizes the value of the Shady Brook community as a unique, intact neighborhood and
recommends that the “BOCC plan” maintain the fabric of the neighborhood rather than
dispersing individual families throughout the county.
Is concerned that the available supply of affordable housing in Kittitas County is inadequate for
current and future needs and closing Shady Brook without appropriate mitigation will reduce
and further constrain available capacity.
Recognizes that an inadequate supply of affordable housing in Kittitas County impacts the
quality of life for local residents and weakens the economic competitiveness of Kittitas County by
threatening the ability to support and grow our workforce.
Requests that HAHC be represented on the working group that is tasked with developing the
“BOCC plan” for Shady Brook.
Recommend that the BOCC gather more data and conduct a public engagement process to
inform the “BOCC plan.”